
From Ickypedia

Phantom: "Something apparently seen, heard, or sensed, but having no physical reality; a ghost or apparition."

Diegesis: "The presentation of a narrative without direct dramatic imitation of the events, scenes, or characters described."


An Instagram Big Icky subscriber and tangential member of IckyCord, who joined immediately after LittleChaSiu announced its creation.

He doesn't belong on IckyCord, but likes the idea of what it can be when the server and its denizens are at their best; due to that, he does all possible to make IckyCord a welcoming and safe haven for those who need it, and to support the Ickycorders who do belong there.

Facts About PhantomDiegesis

He once wagered with an Eldritch being and won knowledge of how to find the clitoris.

He started posting Icky Standard Time notices to the Instagram Ickyspam chats before it was taken over by someone else.

He lost his heart and replaced it with a small engine; unfortunately, it is badly tuned and goes "tock-tick."

He traded his soul to a renegade angel in exchange for the left-hand name of God and a recipe for 3-bean salad.

He created the original ickypedia documents and shared them to Ickyspam and Ickycord before it was taken over by someone else.

He met Death once. They still go out for drinks on the weekend, occasionally. He always makes her pay.